Welcome to Willow Woman on the Road – A passion for travel! To me, there is nothing like the feeling of being in an airplane at takeoff and on a ferry as it roars away from a dock. Those feelings signal the beginning of a series of new encounters with places and the people who inhabit those places. I come home from each trip a little different – perhaps my confidence in my knowledge of a language is renewed or maybe I have a new perspective.
You may be wondering about the term Willow Woman. I introduced the idea of a Willow Woman in 1999 in my book Evolving from Shrinking Violet to Willow Woman. In the book, I describe the Willow Woman as a woman who is comfortable with herself and this comfort is apparent in the presence she projects. She trusts herself to make good decisions. A Willow Woman sometimes imagines herself as a willow tree – she feels strong and graceful, yet flexible enough to withstand storms.
My goal with this blog is to share my travel stories and photos to entertain and inform. Check back for new posts.